
[White Paper] Healthcare Digitized: Building a Digital Transformation Strategy at Your Health System


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Winning with a digital transformation strategy

Does your health system have an organization-wide digital transformation strategy, or are you just throwing digital solutions at a problem to see what sticks? If you answered the latter, it’s time to take action. In the rapidly shifting healthcare landscape, a digital strategy is imperative in order to survive and thrive. 

Download our new white paper, Healthcare Digitized: Building a Digital Transformation Strategy at Your Health System, to learn AVIA’s three steps to creating and implementing a sustainable organization-wide digital transformation strategy. 

In the white paper, you will discover: 

  • Why your health system needs to go digital – now
  • AVIA’s three tried-and-true steps for building an organization-wide digital transformation strategy that works
  • The KPIs you need to be tracking to measure digital success
  • How AVIA Members The University of Kansas Health System and Silver Cross Hospital built their successful digital transformation strategies

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