
Outlook on Virtual Visits: Lessons Learned and What’s Next for Health Systems

Hosted by AVIA

In 2020, the number of consumers who had a virtual visit tripled to 22%, and 80% of physicians completed a virtual visit, up from 22% pre-pandemic.1

Virtual visits spiked dramatically in 2020. What will the new norm be for virtual health, and what’s next? Hear AVIA’s perspective during a 60-minute webinar on Wed., Dec. 9 at 1:00 PM CT. Participants will hear from AVIA’s Kathryn Austin, Director, Center for Consumerism, who helps health systems sustainably scale virtual health. Using data from health systems across the country, industry experts will examine the evolution of virtual visits and the outlook for 2021.

Webinar participants will engage in dialogue around:

  • The future of virtual health, informed by the Health System Outlook on Virtual Health Survey (click here to participate anonymously)
  • Trends across health systems in digital solution adoption and virtual visit volumes
  • Emerging best practices in workflow optimization, provider buy-in, and technology implementation
  • Operating models under consideration by health systems
To share your organization’s experiences and approach for the future, we invite you to complete the Health System Outlook on Virtual Health survey for Fall 2020. AVIA will include health system trends and analysis in this webinar, and survey participants will receive individualized, detailed data reports from the full survey.

Login to AVIA Connect to watch the webinar recording.

1Amwell. From Virtual Care to Hybrid Care: COVID-10 and the Future of Telehealth. October 2020.

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